Research Interests / 研究とかそのへん

Note for non-Japanese-speakers: English and Japanese paragraphs describe essentially same things.

My research interest is centered around the molecular dynamics simulation of biomolecules. In molecular dynamics simulations, molecules are simulated by mechanics (mainly classical mechanics) on computers, and its behaviour is analyzed. Recently I am focusing on to predict the biomolecular characteristics and to conputationally (re-)design them.


Molecular dynamics methodologies / 分子動力学法の手法開発

One of my research interests I am working for long - though unfortunately it’s not suitable for getting grants in Japan and thus I can’t fully work with - is the development of molecular dynamics methodologies using machine learning. Despite that the core of molecular dynamics is mature, its applications in real-world targets reveal many gaps - the simulation length is orders of magnitude shorter than real world functional events of biomolecules, and the analysis of tera-byte sized trajectory is always hard. I am developing both the calculation methodology and the analysis methodology for molecular dynamics simulation, utilizing my background on bioinformatics and machine learning. One example, Spotting-the-difference paper is a method to analyze the molecular dynamics simulation results. We routinely run two similar simulations with different conditions (e.g., with/without a mutation); this paper is about comparing two (or more) trajectories. In this paper, we point out that a simple comparison of average coordinates cause a siginificant artifact, and we proposed to solve the problem with LDA-ITER, a machine learning method developed in the face recognition.

長年力を入れている(あまり予算取り向きでは無いのでお仕事としては比重が大きくないのですが)のは機械学習アルゴリズムを応用した分子動力学法の手法開発です。分子動力学法は手法として確立して日が長いですが、実際に現実のターゲットと向き合っていると力不足を感じるところや、解析の難しさなどがあります。分子動力学法の持つポテンシャルをもっと引き出すために、計算手法・解析手法の双方の開発を行っています。自分はバイオインフォマティクス・機械学習のバックグラウンドを持つため、これらの分野の知識を積極的に援用する形で手法開発に取り組んでいます。たとえば間違い探し論文は分子動力学法の計算結果の解析手法として提案したものです。我々は異なる条件で2通りのシミュレーション(例: ある残基への変異の有り無し)を行い、比較することを頻繁に行います。本研究はこのトラジェクトリの比較の際に、通例使われる平均構造の比較がアーティファクトをもたらすことを指摘し、顔認識の分野で登場した機械学習手法LDA-ITERを用いることでこれを解決しています。

Comparison of generated modes. Comparison of generated modes from PCA (left) and LDA-ITER (right). LDA-ITER (right) correctly captures structure differences around the point of mutation.

You may have thought “Hey, another researcher claiming machine learning and deep learning researches”; combining machine learning (ML) research to something is such a buzzword now, eh? In this line of research, I am focusing on /not/ using ML just as a tool, but using them to reveal the simulation target’s fundamental, physical structure. You can make an arbitrary “novel” theoretical method replacing parts of previous research to a new one. But it’s not a real progress. I value the math behind the method so that we can “understand” physical meaning. Note I also use ML as just a tool for other lines of work, especially for applications.


Free energy calculations / 自由エネルギー計算

The term “free energy” is perhaps only well known among those studying physics / physical chemistry; the free energy is, roughly speaking, the quantitative value describing the stability difference. In the context of free-energy calculation of biomolecules, calculating free energies means calculating the equilibrium constants among different states of biomolecules. For example, we can predict the free-energy difference when a drug compound binds to the receptor and when the drug compound leaves the receptor; the result directly indicates the logarithm of the association constant (or the dissociation constant).

自由エネルギーというと、物理・物理化学屋さん以外には馴染みが無い単語では無いかと思いますが、ざっくりと「安定性の差」を表す定量的な値に相当します。 生体分子シミュレーションの文脈では、自由エネルギーを計算することは、生体分子の様々な状態の間の平衡定数を決めることと同値です。たとえば、薬剤分子が結合したときと、薬剤分子が離れたとき、その安定性の差を計算すると薬剤分子の結合定数(or 乖離定数)が予測できます。

I am recenly focusing protein stability prediction via the free-energy calculation. With the free-energy calculation, we can confidently and thoroughly search the mutation that enhances the stability / function. By combining other pre-screening methods, I can propose mutations with high “hit” rate; its effectiveness is proven via collaborative works with other research groups (e.g., PCT/JP2022/005051).


Protein stabilization problem can be rewritten as the calculation of ΔΔG values.

Collaborative works with experimental researchers / 共同研究系

Computational analysis in collaboration with experimental researchers is another line of my work (recently we are recruiting topics / targets as a part of BINDS(In Japanese)). We needed structure to start the analysis before 2021; now we can start the research with just the sequence thanks to AlphaFold.


One thing I weigh on collaborative works is to find the best approach based on the data and research story, and not to cling to methods we developed in our lab. In fact, in almost all collaborative works, there are no need for fancy methods. 99% of the time, the good old methods that surpassed the test of time suffice; sometimes, the problem is even solved without simulations. I always try to keep a well-known quote in my mind: “If the only tool you have is a hammer, it is tempting to treat everything as if it were a nail”.


Computational science / 計算科学的な仕事

Because I had an expertise in programming, I worked on developing efficient algorithms / implementations for scientific computing. Unfortunately I am closing / shrinking this line of works (honestly speaking, it’s because I’m still not tenured. Softwares are time-eater and not… ahem, not quite frequently counted as “research works”). I can also modify several open-source program packages (including PLUMED and GROMACS - added new command to PLUMED and modified GROMACS nonbonded kernel as well as integrators.)

元々計算機系に強かったので、効率の良い計算科学用アルゴリズムの考案、ソフトウェアの整備などをやっていました。 最近はこの手の仕事は縮小気味です(身も蓋もない話をするとソフトウェア系は時間を食うのに業績にならないうえ、私は未だに1年更新の職位なので……)。 GROMACSやPLUMEDへの機能追加ができます。GROMACSのnonbonded kernelや積分子の改造を行った経験もあります。他、上で挙げたネタをソフトウェアにして整備したりしています(いくつかはbitbucketやgithubで公開しています)